Connect to Suggested open hotspot - Enable or Disable in Windows 10 [Updated]

Connect to Suggested open hotspot - Enable or Disable in Windows 10 [Updated]

Connect to Suggested open hotspots in Windows 10 - That's what we gonna see in this post...

Works on Windows 10

Creators Update, Windows 10 Anniversary Update, and other editions of Windows like Windows 10

earlier builds like Aug 2015 and Nov 2015 builds...

Windows 10 has a built in technology named WiFi sense that will allow your PC to sense the WiFi networks that are open around your PC.

If your PC have WiFi turned on, and there is an open WiFi network appears around your device,

Windows will capture and will examine whether it is safe through internet..

If that was safe, then windows would automatically connect to that hotspot making your device

internet connected.

If you wish to connect to those safe hotspots, that are around your device or if you wish to disable connect to suggested open hotspot option in Windows 10, then here is your guide.

Just follow the steps below on your PC

1) Open settings

2) Click on Network & Internet

3) Click on WiFi tab available on the left pane

4) You can see some options changing on the right pane..

Connect to Suggested open hotspot in Windows 10 [Updated]

Now , you can see an Option named WiFi sense under that there will be some text " Connect to 

suggested open hotspots..

If you wish to turn on Connect to suggested open hotspots..,then

Simply click/tap right side of the option, so that it looks off.

Remember not all networks are secure 😀😀

That's it..

On the other hand, if you wish to disable wifi sense or want to disable windows 10 automatically

connect to Unknown WiFi networks, then, simply click/tap on the left side of the option, so that it

looks off.

That's it..

You're done..

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